
Jeffrey L. Bondy

Jeff had many passions. The strongest was the love for his wife Kelley and his children. If you ever met Jeff, he left NO doubt that his family came first. I often marveled at the intensity of his love and to the extent he would go, to demonstrate at every opportunity just how much he loved his kids. Jeff had a genuine passion for life itself. He was the life of the party. Always ready with some quick comment to draw a laugh. No matter where he was or what the situation, he would look for the humor. He loved flying so much that he went to college for aviation and then worked in Field Operations at O’Hare International airport. He loved the work he did. He loved to cook. He would go to great lengths to make sure there was a feast at every event. Jeff lived life on his terms. Since he was able to walk I can remember he would never compromise. Whether he agreed with you or disagreed, you knew it. He was the baby brother that always wanted to be included. Always wanting to keep up with his older brothers. This drove Jeff to try things way beyond his youthful abilities. In some ways it helped define that “can do” attitude he carried with him. As we both became men I developed a bond with him that seemed to intensify each time we were together. He was a joy to be around. His passion for life was infectious. There was never a dull moment when he joined the gathering. How I enjoyed spending time with Jeff. I am so very proud to have had him for a brother. Jeff was one of a kind and we were all blessed to have him in our lives for as long as we did. He was taken from us much too soon. I will miss him dearly for the rest of my life. We would like to thank everyone who has expressed his or her love and concern for Jeff, Kelley, Jennifer and J.T. On behalf of the Bondy family we would like to thank each and everyone for your outpouring of care. It has helped us through a very difficult time. Please feel free to contribute your thoughts and comments to the memory book.