
Harold Jerew

My father Harold Jerew was out for a ride on his Harley which he had only 7 days. While riding down a back road not even 10 minutes from home he was hit head on and killed by an impaired driver. On that day I decided I wanted his story to be heard, I can remember being a little kid not even 6 years old and my dad always riding me up and down the street on his motorcycle. He loved motorcycles, things were always tough and he was never able to by a brand new one but he always insisted that one day he would. The day my dad bought his bike I had never seen him happier he was like a kid with a new toy i’m sure his smile could be seen miles away.. I must say nothing has hurt me more than this happening, It has torn my entire family apart. The guy that killed him was sentenced to 7 years with everything suspended but 4 years and 5 years of supervised probation. To my family and I that’s not enough but I guess our opinions really didn’t matter to the judge. I just want to make some type of difference I think people should think before they get behind the wheel and take the life of someone else. Thank you for taking time out to read this… Thanks, Danielle Jerew-Evans